Posts by Ulrika Hedlund - Founder and Managing Director

iPad Pro 2018 vs Surface Pro 6 for note-taking

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Day 1 of the Microsoft Ignite conference, I took notes on the iPad Pro 2018. And on day 2, I took notes on the Surface Pro 6. I will be comparing them both in this blog post and demonstrate the pros and cons of using these devices for note-taking.

Monthly Productivity Treats with Office 365

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Do you remember what it was like in “the olden days?” Where you had to wait for 3 years for new functionality in Office? My kids won’t believe it’s true if I ever tell them! With Office Pro Plus, which is the desktop edition of Office that is included in many of the Office 365 […] Read More

Introducing Storyals: Our Story-based Tutorials

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I recently received a message from a reader in France who had found our site via a video on YouTube. He said he was very interested in what we are doing but asked why there hadn’t been a blog post for so long. This really was the fuel I needed to sit down, even though […] Read More

OneNote in Everyday Life

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Last week we had a lot of fun at our house recording a documentary of how I use OneNote to stay organized in my personal life. The documentary will be shown during the “Learn OneNote Conference 2016”. This is a free, online conference that brings together the worlds’ experts on OneNote to share their knowledge. […] Read More

Announcing – Office 365 course for business people

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Being able to effectively leverage technology is becoming a necessity in today’s workplace. I would go as far as to say that it will become a differentiating factor between those who have a successful career and those who don’t. The entry of new, modern productivity tools, such as those introduced in Office 365, raises new […] Read More

Office 2016 and Office for Windows 10

Microsoft Office 2016 – the choice for productivity gurus

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As more and more people replace their laptops for smartphones and iPads, it’s only natural that the software we use on a daily basis is adapted for these types of devices with smaller screens that we interact with using our fingers. Naturally, there is a limit to what we can accomplish with these devices, and […] Read More

Our course Professional document using Word 2013 is live

Professional documents using Word 2013

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Do you ever think about how much time you spend using Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word is one of those applications that most business professionals use on a daily basis. Even though it’s so widely used, very few people leverage the full functionality of Word. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen people […] Read More

Effective use of Outlook 2013

Effective use of Outlook 2013

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Today we are very proud to announce the launch of our new course “Effective use of Outlook 2013”. Most business professionals use Outlook on a daily basis to manage their email, time and contacts. However very few actually know how to get the most of Outlook to increase their productivity. By combining good work methods […] Read More

Save information to OneNote from anywhere any device

Save information to OneNote from anywhere!

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I’m a dedicated OneNote user – both professionally and personally. I use OneNote to take notes during meetings, to do research for blog posts, to gather information about the products I plan to purchase or trips I plan to take. I use OneNote to write down funny things my children say that I know I’ll […] Read More

Prezi or PowerPoint

Prezi and PowerPoint – overview and major differences

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If you attend or create a lot of presentations I’m sure you’re very familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint. Perhaps you have also seen or heard about Prezi? Prezi is a relatively new presentation software which allows you to create more free-flow, visually appealing presentations. In this week’s blog post I’ll give you an overview of the […] Read More

Use technology to unwind during your holiday

Use technology to unwind during your vacation

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Last year in July I wrote an article on how to unplug from work and how to stay away from technology to really unwind during your vacation. For some people that is exactly what they need – to stay away from technology. They prefer to go to an isolated place with no Wi-Fi, no TV, […] Read More

Office Video - a corporate YouTube solution from Microsoft

Office Video – a corporate “YouTube” solution

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Update: Office 365 Video will transition to Microsoft Stream   Have you ever wished that you could have a “corporate YouTube” solution in your organization’s Intranet? Wouldn’t it be great if you could have various channels with videos for training, strategy, product and service updates and other internal communication? There are a number of enterprise video […] Read More

Manage your contacts effectively in Outlook 2013

Manage contacts effectively in Outlook

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Do you have a pile of business cards on your desk that you would like to add to Outlook at some point when you have time? Is your contact folder in Outlook filled with contact details that might or might not be up to date? Managing contacts effectively is very time-consuming. However, having a large […] Read More

How to use social networks with Outlook 2013

How to use Outlook 2013 with social networks?

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In previous versions of Outlook, you could download and install a social connector add-in to connect Outlook to various social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook. In Outlook 2013 this capability is built into Outlook, all you have to do is to activate the connections. In this week’s blog post I’ll share with you how […] Read More

Enhancements of Surface Pro 3

Exciting new enhancements of Surface Pro 3

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On May 20th, Satya Nadella (Microsoft’s CEO) and Panos Panay (Corporate VP of Microsoft Surface) introduced the Surface Pro 3 at a press event in New York. Surface Pro 3 is the third generation of Microsoft’s Surface hardware and for every version more and more critics turn in favor of the device. Being an enthusiastic […] Read More

Our courses are on OpenSesame

Our courses now on OpenSesame

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The world of training is rapidly changing. More and more online training providers are offerings courses to individuals and organizations. I’m proud to announce that we have signed an agreement with OpenSesame to make our courses available through their marketplace. Now you have a number of options to access our courses through a wide range […] Read More

Roll out Office 2013 successfully

Make your Office 2013 rollout a success

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Are you planning to roll out Office 2013 within your organization? Have you thought about how to get people excited about the new Office? Having a proper communication plan in place with material and activities that increase awareness and train users on how to effectively use Office 2013 is key for a successful launch. In […] Read More

How to use Flash Fill

How to use Flash Fill in Excel 2013?

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One of the most useful and timesaving tools Microsoft has introduced in Office 2013 is Flash Fill in Excel. In my opinion, this tool itself is a reason to upgrade to Office 2013! Flash Fill takes tedious tasks, often performed manually, and executes them automatically. You don’t have to insert a single formula – Excel […] Read More

Office Mix

Create an online course using Office Mix in PowerPoint

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Update: Office Mix was retired on May 1, 2018. May 9th, Microsoft announced Office Mix, a new innovative cloud-based service that enables users to create interactive, online training sessions using PowerPoint 2013. Office Mix, which is currently available as a free customer preview, enables users to record and share their courses directly from within PowerPoint. This […] Read More

5 Steps for a successful IT system launch

5 Steps for a successful internal IT system launch

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Being focused on end-user adoption we are often asked to help customers with their internal IT system launches. Purchasing, implementing and rolling out an internal IT system involves a number of challenges. IT departments are usually very well equipped to go through the technical steps of the process – architecture planning, application testing, installation, configuration […] Read More

Get Started with GetSharpCourses

Introducing GetSharpCourses

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Today I’m very pleased to officially announce GetSharpCourses, our popular online Microsoft Office courses available via our own website.  Since we launched users have been able to access GetSharpVideos – our library of short videos on how to use Microsoft Office more effectively. With GetSharpCourses we are extending our website offering to also include […] Read More

Transforming the way we work

Transforming the way we work

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Last week, April 12th, I delivered the keynote presentation at the 1st Live Online SharePoint Saturday Gulf event with the topic, “Transforming the way we work”. For those of you who missed it or weren’t able to attend, you can see the full presentation below. Welcome Good morning (صباح الخير) and welcome everyone! (مرحبا) It’s […] Read More

5 Ways to train employees on Microsoft Office

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Employees in most organizations are expected to know how to analyze data in Excel, create a presentation in PowerPoint and write a report in Word. Even though Microsoft Office is used by business professionals for numerous hours a day, very few employees have actually been trained on how to use Microsoft Office. Here lies an […] Read More

How to present using Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad

How to present using PowerPoint for iPad?

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Last week, March 27th, Microsoft announced Microsoft Office for iPad. Now anyone who has an iPad can download Excel, PowerPoint and Word from the App Store free of charge. Anyone can use the apps to view Office documents, but to edit and create new documents you need a certain type of Office 365 subscription. In […] Read More

What is Codename Oslo and what are the benefits?

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Update: Microsoft announced Delve as the official name for codename Oslo. One of the highlights at the SharePoint Conference 2014 that was held in Las Vegas in March was Codename Oslo (hereafter called Oslo). Oslo, which is a “search and discover” application, will enable employees to navigate through the enormous amounts of data circulating within […] Read More

Eye-catching presentations using PowerPoint 2013

Eye-catching presentations using PowerPoint 2013

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Today I’m very pleased to announce the launch of our new course called, “Eye-catching presentations using PowerPoint 2013”. The course is now available on Udemy and will soon be available on other course platforms such as OpenSesame and Bizsnack. The course is targeted for all business professionals that want to learn how to get the […] Read More

Benefits of the Office Apps and the Office Store

The benefits of the Office Apps and the Office Store

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Are you using Office 2013 or SharePoint 2013? Did you know that you can extend the functionality further by downloading Office Apps through the Office Store? Office Apps are light-weight web applications that you can add and make accessible through the Microsoft Office/SharePoint interface. In this week’s blog, I’ll give you an overview of how […] Read More

How to effectively create a presentation as a group?

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Imagine that you and three of your colleagues need to create a joint presentation for an important customer meeting tomorrow morning. You all need to contribute with different parts. How do you do this effectively to meet the deadline? A common scenario is for each and every one to create their own slides, email them […] Read More

Benefits of OneDrive

What is OneDrive and how can you benefit from using it?

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OneDrive is the new name for Microsoft’s online storage offering that up until now has been known as SkyDrive. According to Microsoft, the new name “OneDrive” better aligns with the vision of having everything in one place. The new name is being rolled out globally, however, you will still see the old name “SkyDrive” here […] Read More

Connect with the outside world using Lync 2013

Communicate with the outside world using Lync 2013

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Update 1 (2015): Microsoft announced that Skype for Business will replace Lync. Update 2 (2017): Microsoft announced that Microsoft Teams would replace Skype for Business eventually. For many years organizations have been using Microsoft Lync (formerly known as Microsoft Office Communications Server) to enable employees to send instant messages, talk and have video conferences with […] Read More