Posts by Ulrika Hedlund - Founder and Managing Director

SharePoint Site mailbox

How to effectively use a Site Mailbox in SharePoint 2013?

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Imagine that you are planning an event with a number of colleagues. You need to keep track of proposals from vendors, create and send out invitations, prepare agendas, create presentations and so on and so forth. For a number of years, teams have been able to easily share information related to projects and initiatives using […] Read More

introducing GetSharpVideos

Introducing GetSharpVideos and GetSharpCourses

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Rapid developments in productivity software have had a significant impact on the way employees communicate and collaborate with one another and productivity tools are vastly different from just a few years ago. This leaves organizations with the ever-growing need to train employees and the challenge of constantly keeping them up to speed on how to […] Read More

How to effectively share notes in OneNote 2013

How to effectively use shared meeting notes in OneNote 2013?

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One of the many valuable benefits of OneNote 2013 is that you can more easily share meeting notes with each other. Microsoft has integrated the OneNote “Meeting Notes” functionality into Outlook and Lync so that you can easily share notes with meeting attendees just with a click of a button. However, in order to use […] Read More

10 steps for a successful enterprise social network roll out

10 steps for a successful Enterprise Social Network

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The enterprise social network market has grown substantially over the past few years.  Deloitte predicted that more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies would partially or fully have implemented an enterprise social network by the end of 2013. But rolling out a social network in the enterprise comes with a number of challenges. According […] Read More

What is PPI and what are the benefits

What is Perceptive Pixel (PPI) and what are the benefits?

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In July 2012 Microsoft acquired Perceptive Pixel, a company specializing in large, multi-touch interfaces. Microsoft has announced two products based on this technology. One 82-inch and one 55-inch multi-touch device running Windows 8. Currently, Microsoft is running a pilot program with selected partners trialing these devices, before bringing them to the international market. When you […] Read More

Summing up 2013 and going on 2014

Summing up 2013 and taking on 2014

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It’s hard to believe that another year has passed and that it’s time for me to sum up 2013 and share the plans for 2014. It’s been another exciting year with a lot of new content created, new partnerships signed and new team members coming on board. Summing up 2013 During 2013 we completed our […] Read More

Vision Board

Visualize your dreams with a vision board

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It’s the end of 2013 and many of you are probably thinking about 2014 and what it will bring. In business, as well as personal life, I’m a big believer in visualizing dreams and goals to make them come true. Inside my bathroom cabinet, I have a vision board where I paste pictures of things […] Read More

How to present using touch in PowerPoint 2013

How to present using touch in PowerPoint 2013?

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Microsoft has designed PowerPoint 2013 to support both touch-screen devices as well as traditional computers where you use a mouse and keyboard.  Even though it’s quite straight-forward to use PowerPoint 2013 on a touchscreen device, it helps to have the basics covered before you deliver a presentation. In this week’s blog post I’ll share some […] Read More

Unable to insert YouTube videos in PowerPoint 2013

YouTube videos currently not working in PowerPoint 2013

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Last week I was recording a training video on how to make eye-catching presentations using video in PowerPoint 2013. To my big surprise the option to insert online videos from YouTube or Bing where gone! After spending way too much time troubleshooting my installation of Office 2013 I did some online research to find out […] Read More

Present using your mobile with Office Remote

Present using your mobile phone with Office Remote

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Do you like walking around when you are presenting? You should try it! Presenters who move around and use more of the podium are perceived as more relaxed and they connect better with their audience.  In this week’s blog post I’ll share with you how you can use an application from Microsoft Research called Office […] Read More

Create a video ad using PowerPoint 2013

Create a video advertisement using PowerPoint 2013

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Video is an extremely powerful tool to advertise a product to a large audience online. Video platforms like YouTube have made it really easy for companies to upload videos and spread them free of charge. If you go to an ad agency and ask them to produce a video ad for you it will be […] Read More

Benefits of the task list in SharePoint 2013

Benefits of the Task list in SharePoint 2013

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Whenever multiple people are working together on a joint project or initiative you need some way of effectively communicating what everyone is supposed to do. You also need to track what everyone has (or has not) done in order to manage the project properly to deliver on time. I’ve always been a big fan of […] Read More

Business Productivity broadens its reach via YouTube

Business Productivity broadens its reach

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In a continuous effort to provide the best possible training services for our customers, and to reach our vision of becoming the premier channel for business professionals who want to increase their business productivity using Microsoft Office, we are making a change to our video delivery channels.  Since we started our company, it has been […] Read More

My business my family my life

My business, my family, my life and how technology helps me every day

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Tomorrow I’m giving a speech at the Qatar International Business Women Forum in Doha with the title, “My business, my family, my life and how technology helps me every day”. The objective of the speech is to show how technology can empower women to reach their goals in their careers, their relationships and lives.  In […] Read More

Effective teamwork using Microsoft SharePoint and Lync

Effective teamwork using Microsoft SharePoint and Lync 2010

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More and more companies are implementing organizational productivity tools such as Microsoft SharePoint and Lync to enable employees all over the world to work better together. Even though these applications are rather straight forward to use, it’s not always evident how to most effectively use them in a work environment. Today I’m pleased to announce […] Read More

How to use SkyDrive for personal and business data

How to use SkyDrive for both business and personal data?

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Update: Microsoft SkyDrive has been replaced with Microsoft OneDrive. You can learn more about OneDrive here. SkyDrive Pro has been replaced with OneDrive for Business.   Do you have business-related documents on your laptop that you need to share with colleagues, access from various devices and back up properly? Do you, on the same computer, have photographs of friends […] Read More

6 steps to help you get started with Windows 8.1

6 steps to help you get started with Windows 8.1

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October 17, 2013, Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows 8.1. It’s not a new operating system – it’s an update to Windows 8 that Microsoft released about a year ago. Even though a lot of effort has been put into the update, the improvements aren’t revolutionizing so you shouldn’t be expecting a huge change. […] Read More

Professional document using Microsoft Word 2010

Professional documents using Microsoft Word 2010

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Microsoft Word is one of those applications that most business professionals use on a daily basis.  Even though it’s so widely used, very few people leverage the full functionality of Word. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen people waste hours and hours of their valuable work time by manually inserting page […] Read More

How to get started with stand-up meetings

How to get started with stand-up meetings?

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It’s a well-known fact that a lot of time is wasted within organizations during meetings. In order to save time and to increase the level of knowledge transfer and collaboration many teams, primarily software development teams, are using so-called stand-up meetings. A stand-up meeting is a short (5-15 min) status update meeting, where all team […] Read More

Exciting enhancements with Surface Pro 2

Exciting new enhancements of Surface Pro 2

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About a year ago, on October 25th, 2012, Microsoft launched a new range of tablet devices called Surface. If you’ve missed what this device is all about you can read my blog post, “What is Microsoft Surface? A tablet I want for business “. Since then, the two devices Surface RT and Surface Pro have […] Read More

Why would I consider buying a Windows mobile phone

Why would I consider buying a Windows mobile?

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On September 3rd, Microsoft announced that they will be acquiring Nokia’s Devices and Services division and patents for a total of 5.44 billion Euros. This is a clear signal that Microsoft is serious about taking a fair share of the mobile phone market. Most people who purchase a new smartphone today seem to choose between […] Read More

Communicate effectively leveraging DISC profiles

Communicate effectively leveraging DISC profiles

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Effective communication – where the listener receives the exact message you intended to send, is affected by a number of things. We all have “filters” based on our personalities, our experiences and our current mood. To be successful communicating it’s important to decipher the listener’s “filter”. Without knowing a person closely, you will rarely know […] Read More

How to pulish your presentation online

How to publish your PowerPoint presentation online?

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Most of the time a PowerPoint presentation is presented to the audience during a live presentation – either face to face or online. But sometimes you want to publish your presentation on a website for others to see when they have time. You might want to publish a company presentation on your public facing website, […] Read More

Adobe and Business Productivity sign agreement

Business Productivity signs agreement with Adobe

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Update: Adobe KnowHow has shut down its operations in January 2018. You can still find all our courses on our website, Udemy and our sister site Storyals.   Last week, August 30, Adobe announced a new learning service called Adobe KnowHow. With this service Adobe aims to take a bite of the growing online learning market. Through […] Read More

Skype integrated with

Increased productivity with Skype in

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Last week on August 19th, Microsoft announced that Skype is now available as an integrated service in for users in the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, France, Canada, and the United States. Microsoft is working hard to roll out the service worldwide. The Skype integration means that you can send instant messages, have voice […] Read More

Give your pictures life with Windows Photo Gallery

Give your pictures new life with Photo Gallery

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Update: Windows Essentials 2012 suite reached the end of support, and is unavailable for download.   Most people today have thousands of pictures saved in numerous folders on computers and hard drives. If you don’t have the right tools, working with pictures can be a time-consuming nightmare. In many cases, our pictures are left in […] Read More

Create a professional SWOT analysis

Create a professional SWOT analysis

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It’s Monday morning, you’ve just gotten back to work after the weekend and your boss asks you to do a SWOT analysis for a new, potential business area and present it to the leadership team tomorrow. Your mind goes blank as you stare at the 2 by 2 matrix you’ve drawn on a white sheet […] Read More

How to unplug from work

How to unplug from work during vacation?

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This time of year a lot of people are taking time off work to go on vacation with their loved ones. A few decades ago you didn’t have to worry about customers calling you on your mobile phone at any time of the day or colleagues sending an email with requests. The downside of today’s […] Read More

Windows 8.1 - Top enhancements for traditional PC users

Windows 8.1 – Top enhancements for traditional PC users

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With Windows 8 Microsoft made a huge bet on new, portable devices with touch screens. The new Windows 8 interface is extremely cool if you have a touch-enabled tablet – but if you don’t, Windows 8 can be a bit confusing, and switching between the new Windows 8, touch-enabled interface and the traditional desktop interface […] Read More