How to rearrange notes

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To move a notebook, hold down your left mouse button and drag it to where you want it. You can also right-click and select to move it up or down.

How to rearrange notes

To move a section hold down the left mouse button and drag and drop it to the desired location in the notebook navigation pane, or open up the section group and re-arrange sections there.

Unfortunately you can’t change the order of section groups, these are sorted alphabetically by OneNote.

To move a page within the same section just drag and drop it within the page list. To move a page to another section you can drag and drop it onto the desired section. The page is moved to the end of that section page list.  Another way to move a page is to right-click and select “Move or Copy”.

How to rearrange notes

A window opens up where you can select where you want to move the page.