How to make a picture look old in PowerPoint 2013

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Please note that this is a shortened, fast-speed video with the objective to give you a glimpse of ways in which you can improve your business productivity. The full video: “Tell a story using pictures in PowerPoint 2013” shows you how to perform the steps in a slower, more user-friendly fashion.

To make this look older I’m going to make it black and white and then apply an artistic effect.

To make a picture black and white mark the picture so that the “PICTURE TOOLS” appear, in the “Adjust” section click “Color”. Here I’ll select a Saturation of 0% to remove all color. Now I want to add an artistic effect to make it feel a bit more old. I’ll click “Artistic Effects” and here you have a number of different effects that you can apply. The “Pencil Grayscale” sketch is great if you want to make a picture look hand drawn. The “Blur” effect is great if you want to censor something like a license plate or a face. In this case I’m going to use the “Film Grain” effect to get and old feeling.

How to make a picture look old in PowerPoint 2013

There now it looks like an old picture!