How to create a rule
To create a rule from scratch, I’ll mark the email I want to apply the rule to and click “Rules” on the “HOME” tab. I’ll click “Create Rule” and a window opens up with different options for this rule. Some fields are pre-populated with information from the email I marked. I’ll mark to apply this rule to email coming from Udemy, then in the “Subject contains” field I’ll remove the text and only keep “just joined” since the email I want to apply the rule to contain this text in the subject field. Then I’ll select “to move the email to my “Archive” folder.
If you want to add even more advanced options to your “Rules” you can click “Advanced Options” to open up the Rules Wizard. I’ll click “OK” to apply the rule and here I’m given the option to run the rule now on the email in my inbox, I’ll mark it and then click “OK”. And as you can see the email from Udemy informing me of students that have just joined have been moved to my “Archive” folder.