A quick overview of OneNote

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OneNote is a digital notebook application that enables you to save and organize information –handwritten and typed notes, online research, receipts you want to keep a record of, documents you want to read and annotate, items you want to track, and much more.

Your information is neatly structured into notebooks, with sections and pages.

Everything in OneNote, whether it’s handwritten, or text on an image, is searchable, so that you can easily find what you need.

By saving your OneNote notebooks to the cloud, your information is securely backed up, and synchronized across all your devices.

Notebooks saved in the cloud can also be shared with other people – co-workers or people outside your organization.

By being able to access your notes from anywhere on any device you can make sure to capture those great ideas you get on the fly, you can find notes without having to worry about when or where you took them, and you can declutter your life by digitizing paper-based information. With OneNote you can be your very best – in the workplace and at home!